Cluster Issues
- Cluster status is yellow (unassigned replicas)
- Cluster status is red (unassigned primary shards)
- Node not joining the cluster
- MasterNotDiscoveredException
- Too many open files error
- Node disconnected from the cluster
- Cluster block exception due to insufficient disk space
- Shard allocation failure
- Split brain scenario (multiple master nodes)
- Node running out of heap memory
Indexing Issues
- Document indexing rejected due to `index.write` block
- IllegalArgumentException: Mapper for `[field]` conflicts with existing mapping
- Exceeded maximum shard size for an index
- Too many nested objects in a single document
- Document missing a required field
- Read-only index error
- Dynamic mapping conflict during indexing
- VersionConflictEngineException during document update
- Too many fields in an index (mapping explosion)
- Index creation fails due to invalid settings
Search and Query Issues
- Field `field_name` not searchable
- Failed to parse query DSL
- No mapping found for `field_name` in search
- Query too slow due to inefficient script usage
- Wildcard query too broad (performance impact)
- Script compilation failure
- Aggregation results exceed memory limits
- Terms aggregation returning partial results
- `too_many_buckets_exception` during aggregations
- Cannot retrieve scroll context due to expired scroll ID
Performance Issues
- Search taking too long due to poorly optimized queries
- CircuitBreakingException: Data exceeded memory limits
- Nodes unresponsive due to GC overhead
- Indexing rate exceeds cluster capacity
- High CPU usage caused by frequent refresh operations
- Query phase taking too long due to too many indices queried
- Rebalancing causes slow cluster responses
- High disk I/O causing node throttling
- Bulk indexing operations failing intermittently
- Refresh interval too frequent impacting performance
Security and Access Issues
- AuthorizationException: User lacks permissions
- Authentication failed for a specific user
- SSL/TLS handshake failure
- Invalid API key used for authentication
- Role mappings not configured correctly
- Index access denied due to restrictive index patterns
- CORS policy errors in Kibana/Elasticsearch interactions
- Failed to set up Security Index
- Failed to apply license due to invalid license key
- Token expired during long-running requests