Elasticsearch ShardNotFoundException: Shard not found - Common Causes & Fixes

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Brief Explanation

The "ShardNotFoundException: Shard not found" error in Elasticsearch occurs when a requested shard is not available on any of the nodes in the cluster. This typically happens when Elasticsearch is unable to locate or access a specific shard that should contain the requested data.


This error can have a significant impact on the functionality and performance of your Elasticsearch cluster:

  • Data unavailability: The affected shard's data becomes inaccessible, potentially leading to incomplete search results.
  • Query failures: Searches or operations targeting the missing shard will fail.
  • Reduced cluster health: The overall health of the cluster may be compromised, affecting its reliability and performance.

Common Causes

  1. Node failure or network issues causing shard allocation problems
  2. Corrupted shard data on disk
  3. Misconfiguration in Elasticsearch settings
  4. Insufficient disk space preventing shard allocation
  5. Accidental deletion of shard data

Troubleshooting and Resolution Steps

  1. Check cluster health:

    GET _cluster/health
  2. Identify the affected index and shard:

    GET _cat/shards?v
  3. Verify node status:

    GET _cat/nodes?v
  4. Check for any unassigned shards:

    GET _cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason
  5. Attempt to allocate the unassigned shard:

    POST _cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true
  6. If the above doesn't work, try forcing shard allocation:

    PUT _cluster/settings
      "transient": {
        "cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "all"
  7. Check disk space on all nodes and free up space if necessary.

  8. If the shard is still missing, consider recovering from a snapshot if available.

  9. As a last resort, you may need to delete and recreate the affected index, but be cautious as this will result in data loss.

Best Practices

  • Regularly monitor cluster health and shard allocation
  • Implement proper backup and snapshot strategies
  • Ensure adequate disk space across all nodes
  • Use shard allocation filtering to control shard distribution
  • Implement proper node failure handling and recovery procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I recover a missing shard without a snapshot?
A: Recovery without a snapshot is challenging and may not be possible in all cases. If you don't have a snapshot, you might need to recreate the index and reindex the data from the original source.

Q: How can I prevent ShardNotFoundException errors in the future?
A: Implement regular monitoring, maintain adequate disk space, use proper shard allocation strategies, and set up automated snapshots to minimize the risk of shard loss.

Q: Will increasing the number of replicas help prevent this error?
A: While increasing replicas can improve fault tolerance, it's not a guaranteed solution. Proper cluster management and monitoring are more effective in preventing shard loss.

Q: Can a ShardNotFoundException affect other shards or indices?
A: Generally, the error is specific to the affected shard and index. However, it can impact overall cluster health and performance if not addressed promptly.

Q: How long does it typically take to resolve a ShardNotFoundException?
A: Resolution time varies depending on the cause and chosen solution. Simple reallocation might take minutes, while recovering from snapshots or reindexing could take hours, depending on data volume.

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