Elasticsearch Prefix Query - Syntax, Example, and Tips

What it does

A Prefix Query in Elasticsearch is used to find documents containing terms that begin with a specified prefix. It's particularly useful for implementing autocomplete or typeahead functionality, where you want to match documents based on the initial characters of a term.

Syntax and Documentation

The basic syntax for a Prefix Query is:

  "prefix": {
    "field": {
      "value": "prefix"

For more detailed information, refer to the official Elasticsearch Prefix Query documentation.

Example Query

Here's an example of a Prefix Query searching for documents where the "product_name" field starts with "lap":

GET /products/_search
  "query": {
    "prefix": {
      "product_name": {
        "value": "lap"

This query would match documents with product names like "laptop", "lapel pin", etc.

Common Issues

  1. Performance: Prefix queries can be slow on large datasets, especially with short prefixes.
  2. Case sensitivity: Prefix queries are case-sensitive by default.
  3. Tokenization: The query doesn't work as expected if the field is analyzed and tokenized.

Best Practices

  1. Use an edge ngram tokenizer or completion suggester for better performance in autocomplete scenarios.
  2. Consider using a case-insensitive analyzer if case-insensitivity is required.
  3. For frequently used prefixes, consider maintaining a separate field with prefixes to improve query performance.
  4. Use index_prefixes mapping parameter to optimize prefix queries on specific fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I make a prefix query case-insensitive?
A: You can use a case-insensitive analyzer like the lowercase analyzer on the field during indexing and querying.

Q: Can I use wildcard characters in a prefix query?
A: No, prefix queries don't support wildcards. For wildcard matching, use a Wildcard Query instead.

Q: How does a prefix query differ from a match_phrase_prefix query?
A: A prefix query works on a single term, while match_phrase_prefix works on the last term of a phrase and is analyzed.

Q: Can I boost the relevance of certain prefixes in a prefix query?
A: Yes, you can use the boost parameter to increase the relevance score for specific prefixes.

Q: Is it possible to use prefix queries on numeric fields?
A: While possible, it's not recommended. For range-based queries on numeric fields, use range queries instead.

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