Elasticsearch Error: OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace - Common Causes & Fixes

Brief Explanation

The "OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace" in Elasticsearch occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runs out of memory in the Metaspace area. Metaspace is used to store class metadata in Java, and when it's exhausted, this error is thrown.


This error can cause Elasticsearch nodes to crash or become unresponsive, potentially leading to cluster instability, data unavailability, and degraded search performance. It may also result in incomplete indexing or failed queries.

Common Causes

  1. Insufficient Metaspace allocation
  2. Memory leaks in custom plugins or poorly optimized code
  3. Frequent class loading and unloading
  4. Large number of indices or shards causing excessive class metadata
  5. Outdated JVM version with known memory management issues

Troubleshooting and Resolution Steps

  1. Increase Metaspace size:

    • Set or increase the -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize JVM option in jvm.options file.
    • Example: -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m
  2. Monitor Metaspace usage:

    • Use JVM monitoring tools like jstat or VisualVM to track Metaspace utilization.
  3. Optimize class loading:

    • Review and optimize custom plugins or scripts that may be causing excessive class loading.
  4. Update Elasticsearch and JVM:

    • Ensure you're running the latest compatible versions of Elasticsearch and JVM to benefit from memory management improvements.
  5. Reduce index and shard count:

    • Consolidate indices or increase shard size to reduce the overall number of shards.
  6. Enable GC logging:

    • Add -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -Xloggc:/path/to/gc.log to JVM options for detailed garbage collection analysis.
  7. Restart Elasticsearch nodes:

    • If the issue persists, try restarting affected nodes to clear the Metaspace.

Best Practices

  • Regularly monitor JVM memory usage, including Metaspace.
  • Implement proper capacity planning and scaling strategies.
  • Optimize index and shard designs to reduce memory pressure.
  • Keep Elasticsearch and JVM versions up to date.
  • Use Elasticsearch's circuit breaker settings to prevent OOM situations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is Metaspace different from PermGen in older Java versions?
A: Metaspace replaced PermGen in Java 8 and later versions. Unlike PermGen, Metaspace can dynamically resize and is not part of the heap memory.

Q: Can increasing heap size solve Metaspace OOM errors?
A: No, increasing heap size doesn't directly affect Metaspace. You need to specifically increase the MaxMetaspaceSize parameter.

Q: How can I monitor Metaspace usage in Elasticsearch?
A: You can use Elasticsearch's node stats API, JMX monitoring, or tools like Kibana's monitoring features to track Metaspace usage.

Q: Are there any Elasticsearch-specific settings to prevent Metaspace OOM?
A: While there are no direct Elasticsearch settings for Metaspace, proper shard allocation, index lifecycle management, and circuit breaker configurations can help prevent excessive memory usage.

Q: How does the number of indices affect Metaspace usage?
A: Each index requires additional class metadata, so a large number of indices can increase Metaspace usage. Consolidating indices or using index templates can help manage this.

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