Elasticsearch Nested Field Data Type

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The nested data type in Elasticsearch is used for indexing arrays of objects where each object needs to be queried independently. It's particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures that contain arrays of objects, and you need to maintain the relationships between fields within each object.

Unlike the object data type, which flattens object arrays into separate fields, the nested type preserves the internal structure of each object in the array. This allows for more accurate querying and filtering of nested objects. However, nested fields come with some performance overhead, so they should be used judiciously.


PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "user": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
          "name": { "type": "text" },
          "age": { "type": "integer" }

Common issues

  1. Overusing nested fields: Using nested fields for simple data structures can lead to unnecessary complexity and performance overhead.
  2. Forgetting to use nested queries: Regular queries won't work correctly on nested fields. You must use nested queries to search within nested objects.
  3. Ignoring the limit on nested objects: By default, Elasticsearch limits the number of nested objects to 10,000 per parent document.
  4. Not considering the impact on indexing and search performance: Nested fields require more resources to index and search compared to regular fields.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What's the difference between nested and object data types in Elasticsearch?
A: The object type flattens arrays of objects, while the nested type preserves the internal structure of each object in the array, allowing for independent querying of nested objects.

Q: How do I query nested fields in Elasticsearch?
A: You need to use a nested query. For example: {"query": {"nested": {"path": "user", "query": {"match": {"user.name": "John"}}}}}.

Q: Is there a limit to how many nested objects I can have in a document?
A: By default, Elasticsearch limits the number of nested objects to 10,000 per parent document. This can be changed using the index.mapping.nested_fields.limit setting.

Q: Can I update individual nested objects without reindexing the entire document?
A: No, you cannot update individual nested objects. To update a nested object, you need to reindex the entire parent document.

Q: How does using nested fields affect performance in Elasticsearch?
A: Nested fields can impact both indexing and search performance due to the additional complexity of maintaining object relationships. Use them only when necessary for your data model and query requirements.

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