Elasticsearch thread_pool.write.size Setting

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The thread_pool.write.size setting in Elasticsearch controls the number of threads available in the write thread pool. This thread pool is responsible for handling write operations, including index, update, and delete requests.

  • Default value: Number of available processors
  • Possible values: Any positive integer
  • Recommendations: The default value is usually sufficient for most use cases. However, for write-heavy workloads, you may consider increasing this value.

The write thread pool uses a fixed size thread pool. This means that the number of threads specified by thread_pool.write.size will always be active, regardless of the current workload.


To change the thread_pool.write.size setting, you can add the following to your elasticsearch.yml file:

thread_pool.write.size: 32

You might want to increase this value if you have a write-heavy workload and are experiencing high queue times for write operations. Increasing the thread pool size can help process more write requests concurrently, potentially improving overall write throughput.

However, be cautious when increasing this value, as it can lead to increased CPU usage and potential resource contention.

Common Issues and Misuses

  • Setting the value too high can lead to excessive CPU usage and context switching overhead.
  • Setting the value too low can result in write operations being queued, potentially leading to increased latency.
  • Changing this setting without proper monitoring and testing can lead to unexpected performance issues.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Monitor thread pool statistics using the _cat/thread_pool API to understand your cluster's needs.
  • Test changes in a non-production environment before applying them to production.
  • Consider your hardware resources (CPU cores) when adjusting this setting.


  • Don't set this value arbitrarily high without understanding your system's capabilities.
  • Don't ignore other performance factors, such as I/O speed and memory, when tuning this setting.
  • Don't change this setting without a clear need and proper performance testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does thread_pool.write.size affect write performance?
A: This setting determines the number of concurrent write operations that can be processed. Increasing it can potentially improve write throughput, but may also increase CPU usage.

Q: Can changing thread_pool.write.size impact read operations?
A: While this setting primarily affects write operations, extremely high values could potentially impact overall system performance, indirectly affecting read operations due to increased resource contention.

Q: How can I determine the optimal value for thread_pool.write.size?
A: Monitor your cluster's performance using tools like the thread pool API and performance testing. The optimal value depends on your specific workload, hardware, and performance requirements.

Q: Is it safe to change thread_pool.write.size dynamically?
A: Yes, this setting can be changed dynamically using the cluster update settings API. However, it's recommended to test changes in a non-production environment first.

Q: How does thread_pool.write.size relate to other thread pool settings?
A: While thread_pool.write.size specifically controls the write thread pool, Elasticsearch has various other thread pools for different operations. It's important to consider the balance between different thread pools based on your workload characteristics.

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