Elasticsearch network.host Setting

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The network.host setting in Elasticsearch controls which network interface and IP address the node binds to for communications. It determines how the node is accessible on the network.

  • Default value: The default is to bind to loopback addresses only, such as and [::1].
  • Possible values:
    • IP address (e.g.,
    • Hostname
    • Special values: local, site, global,
  • Recommendations: In production, set this to a specific IP address or hostname. Use to bind to all available network interfaces, but be cautious with this setting.

This is a static setting that should be set in the elasticsearch.yml file.

Common Issues

  • Setting to without proper security measures can expose the cluster to unauthorized access.
  • Incorrect IP or hostname can prevent the node from starting or joining the cluster.
  • Forgetting to update firewall rules after changing this setting can lead to connectivity issues.

Do's and Don'ts

  • Do use a specific IP address in production environments.
  • Do ensure your firewall rules are updated when changing this setting.
  • Don't use in production without proper security measures.
  • Don't use localhost or in a multi-node cluster setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use multiple values for network.host?
A: Yes, you can specify multiple values separated by commas, allowing Elasticsearch to bind to multiple interfaces.

Q: What happens if I set an incorrect value for network.host?
A: Elasticsearch may fail to start, or the node might not be able to join the cluster. Check your logs for specific error messages.

Q: Is it safe to use as the network.host value?
A: While it binds to all available interfaces, it's generally not recommended for production use without proper security measures, as it can potentially expose your cluster to unauthorized access.

Q: How does network.host interact with discovery settings?
A: The network.host setting affects how other nodes discover this node. Ensure it's set to an address that's reachable by other nodes in the cluster.

Q: Can changing network.host impact performance?
A: The setting itself doesn't directly impact performance, but choosing the right network interface can affect network throughput and latency, especially in high-load scenarios.

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