The Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) Aggregation is a statistical measure used to quantify variability in a dataset, especially in datasets with extreme values or skewed distributions. It's more resilient to outliers compared to standard deviation, making it valuable for robust statistical analysis.
Syntax and Documentation
"mad": {
"field": "field_name"
For detailed information, refer to the official Elasticsearch documentation on MAD Aggregation.
Example Usage
GET /sales/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"price_mad": {
"mad": {
"field": "price"
This example calculates the Median Absolute Deviation of the "price" field in the "sales" index.
Common Issues
- Insufficient data: MAD requires a sufficient amount of data to provide meaningful results.
- Non-numeric fields: Ensure the field used for MAD calculation contains numeric values.
- Missing values: Handle missing values appropriately to avoid skewing results.
Best Practices
- Use MAD in conjunction with other statistical measures for a comprehensive analysis.
- Consider using MAD for outlier detection in datasets where extreme values are present.
- Compare MAD results with standard deviation to gain insights into data distribution.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does MAD differ from standard deviation?
A: MAD is more robust against outliers compared to standard deviation. It uses median values instead of mean, making it less sensitive to extreme data points.
Q: Can MAD be used for outlier detection?
A: Yes, MAD is often used for outlier detection. Values that deviate significantly from the MAD can be considered potential outliers.
Q: Is MAD available in all versions of Elasticsearch?
A: MAD aggregation was introduced in Elasticsearch 7.3. Ensure you're using a compatible version.
Q: How does MAD handle non-numeric or null values?
A: MAD aggregation ignores non-numeric values and nulls. It's important to clean and prepare your data appropriately before using this aggregation.
Q: Can MAD be used in combination with other aggregations?
A: Yes, MAD can be combined with other aggregations to provide a more comprehensive statistical analysis of your data.