Elasticsearch Function Score Query - Syntax, Example, and Tips

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What it does

The Function Score Query enables you to:

  • Apply mathematical functions to field values
  • Boost documents based on certain criteria
  • Combine multiple scoring functions
  • Incorporate external factors into relevance scoring

Syntax and Documentation

The basic syntax for a Function Score Query is:

  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "query": { },
      "functions": [ ],
      "score_mode": "",
      "boost_mode": "",

For detailed information, refer to the official Elasticsearch documentation on Function Score Query.

Example Query

Here's an example that boosts the score of documents based on their recency and popularity:

  "query": {
    "function_score": {
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "title": "elasticsearch"
      "functions": [
          "exp": {
            "date": {
              "origin": "2023-05-01",
              "scale": "30d",
              "decay": 0.5
          "field_value_factor": {
            "field": "popularity",
            "factor": 1.2,
            "modifier": "log1p"
      "score_mode": "sum",
      "boost_mode": "multiply"

Common Issues

  1. Overcomplicating the scoring functions, leading to unexpected results
  2. Misunderstanding the impact of different score_mode and boost_mode options
  3. Using functions that significantly slow down query performance
  4. Not properly normalizing scores when combining multiple functions

Best Practices

  • Start with simple scoring functions and gradually increase complexity
  • Use min_score to filter out low-scoring documents
  • Test thoroughly to ensure the desired ranking behavior
  • Monitor query performance and optimize as needed
  • Consider using script_score for complex custom scoring logic

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the Function Score Query affect performance?
A: Function Score Queries can impact performance, especially with complex functions or large datasets. It's important to benchmark and optimize your queries, using caching where possible and avoiding unnecessary calculations.

Q: Can I use Function Score Query with other query types?
A: Yes, you can combine Function Score Query with any other query type by nesting it within the "query" section of the Function Score Query.

Q: What's the difference between score_mode and boost_mode?
A: score_mode determines how the scores from multiple functions are combined, while boost_mode specifies how the combined function score is applied to the base query score.

Q: Is it possible to use custom scripts in Function Score Query?
A: Yes, you can use the script_score function to implement custom scoring logic using Painless scripting language.

Q: How can I debug or understand the scoring in a Function Score Query?
A: You can use the Explain API to get detailed information about how scores are calculated for specific documents in your Function Score Query.

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