Elasticsearch DocumentAlreadyExistsException: Document already exists

Brief Explanation

The DocumentAlreadyExistsException occurs in Elasticsearch when attempting to index a document with a specific ID that already exists in the index. This error is typically encountered when using the create operation or when setting op_type to create during indexing.

Common Causes

  1. Attempting to create a document with an ID that already exists in the index
  2. Concurrent indexing operations trying to create the same document simultaneously
  3. Reindexing or data migration processes that don't account for existing documents
  4. Application logic issues that don't properly handle document uniqueness

Troubleshooting and Resolution Steps

  1. Verify the document's existence: Use the GET API to check if the document with the specified ID already exists in the index.

    GET /your_index/_doc/your_document_id
  2. Use update instead of create: If you want to modify an existing document, use the update API instead of create.

    POST /your_index/_update/your_document_id
      "doc": {
        "field": "new_value"
  3. Implement upsert logic: Use the upsert parameter to create the document if it doesn't exist or update it if it does.

    POST /your_index/_update/your_document_id
      "doc": {
        "field": "new_value"
      "upsert": {
        "field": "new_value"
  4. Use version control: Implement version control in your indexing process to handle concurrent updates and avoid conflicts.

    PUT /your_index/_doc/your_document_id?version=1&version_type=external
      "field": "value"
  5. Implement error handling: In your application, catch and handle the DocumentAlreadyExistsException to decide how to proceed (e.g., update the existing document, skip the operation, or log the error).

Additional Information and Best Practices

  • Always use unique identifiers for documents when possible to avoid conflicts.
  • Implement proper error handling and retry mechanisms in your application to deal with version conflicts and concurrent updates.
  • Consider using the Bulk API for better performance when indexing multiple documents.
  • Regularly review and optimize your indexing strategy to minimize the occurrence of conflicts.


  1. Q: Can I ignore the DocumentAlreadyExistsException and continue indexing? A: Yes, you can use the ignore parameter set to 409 (Conflict) in your indexing request to ignore this exception.

  2. Q: How does Elasticsearch handle version conflicts internally? A: Elasticsearch uses a versioning system to track document changes. When a conflict occurs, it compares the version numbers and typically keeps the document with the higher version.

  3. Q: Is it possible to replace an existing document without using update? A: Yes, you can use the index API with op_type=index (default) to replace an existing document entirely.

  4. Q: How can I prevent DocumentAlreadyExistsException in a distributed system? A: Implement optimistic concurrency control using version numbers, and use unique identifiers generated by your application rather than relying on Elasticsearch to generate IDs.

  5. Q: Does this exception affect the performance of my Elasticsearch cluster? A: While occasional exceptions don't significantly impact performance, frequent occurrences may indicate inefficient indexing processes that could affect overall cluster performance.

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