Elasticsearch cluster.publish.timeout Setting

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The cluster.publish.timeout setting in Elasticsearch controls the maximum time allowed for publishing cluster state updates to all nodes in the cluster. This timeout ensures that cluster state changes are propagated efficiently across the entire cluster.

  • Default value: 30s
  • Possible values: Time value (e.g., 30s, 1m, 2m)
  • Recommendations: The default value is suitable for most clusters. Increase this value for large clusters or in environments with high network latency.

This setting is crucial for maintaining cluster consistency and stability. It determines how long the master node waits for all nodes to acknowledge a cluster state update before considering the publish operation as failed.


To change the cluster.publish.timeout setting to 1 minute:

cluster.publish.timeout: 1m

You might want to increase this value if you have a large cluster or if nodes are experiencing high load, causing delays in acknowledging cluster state updates. Increasing the timeout can help prevent false failures in cluster state publishing, but it may also delay the detection of actual node failures.

Common Issues and Misuses

  • Setting the value too low can cause frequent cluster state publish failures, especially in large clusters or high-latency environments.
  • Setting the value too high can delay the detection of actual node failures or network issues.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Monitor cluster state publish times and adjust the setting based on observed performance.
  • Increase the timeout if you frequently see cluster state publish timeouts in your logs.
  • Consider this setting in conjunction with other related settings like discovery.zen.publish_timeout.


  • Don't set this value excessively high, as it can mask real issues in your cluster.
  • Avoid changing this setting without understanding its impact on cluster stability and responsiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does cluster.publish.timeout affect cluster stability?
A: This setting ensures that cluster state changes are properly propagated across all nodes. A well-tuned timeout helps maintain cluster stability by allowing sufficient time for state updates while also detecting potential node or network issues.

Q: Can increasing cluster.publish.timeout improve cluster performance?
A: While increasing this timeout doesn't directly improve performance, it can prevent false failure scenarios in large or high-latency clusters, indirectly contributing to better stability and performance.

Q: What happens if the cluster.publish.timeout is exceeded?
A: If the timeout is exceeded, the cluster state publish operation is considered failed. This can lead to temporary inconsistencies in the cluster state across nodes and may trigger recovery processes.

Q: How does network latency affect the optimal setting for cluster.publish.timeout?
A: Higher network latency typically requires a higher timeout value to accommodate the increased time needed for nodes to communicate and acknowledge cluster state updates.

Q: Is it safe to change cluster.publish.timeout in a production environment?
A: While it's generally safe to adjust this setting, it's recommended to test changes in a staging environment first and monitor the cluster closely after making changes in production to ensure it doesn't negatively impact cluster stability.

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