Elasticsearch Average Bucket Aggregation - Syntax, Example, and Tips

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The Average Bucket Aggregation is a sibling pipeline aggregation that calculates the (mean) average value of a specified metric in a sibling aggregation. It allows you to compute the average across all buckets of a multi-bucket aggregation.


  "avg_bucket": {
    "buckets_path": "string"

For detailed syntax and parameters, refer to the official Elasticsearch documentation.

Example Usage

Here's an example of using the Average Bucket Aggregation to calculate the average monthly sales:

  "aggs": {
    "sales_per_month": {
      "date_histogram": {
        "field": "date",
        "calendar_interval": "month"
      "aggs": {
        "sales": {
          "sum": { "field": "price" }
    "avg_monthly_sales": {
      "avg_bucket": {
        "buckets_path": "sales_per_month>sales"

Common Issues

  1. Incorrect buckets_path: Ensure the buckets_path is correctly specified and points to an existing metric aggregation.
  2. Missing data: The Average Bucket Aggregation will skip buckets with missing values, which may lead to unexpected results.
  3. Performance impact: When used on large datasets or with many buckets, this aggregation can be computationally expensive.

Best Practices

  1. Use gap policy: Consider using the gap_policy parameter to handle missing data points.
  2. Combine with other aggregations: Average Bucket Aggregation can be powerful when combined with other bucket and metric aggregations.
  3. Monitor performance: Keep an eye on query performance, especially when dealing with large datasets or numerous buckets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the Average Bucket Aggregation differ from a regular average aggregation?
A: The Average Bucket Aggregation calculates the average across buckets of another aggregation, while a regular average aggregation computes the average of a specific field across documents.

Q: Can I use Average Bucket Aggregation with nested aggregations?
A: Yes, you can use it with nested aggregations by specifying the correct buckets_path to navigate through the nested structure.

Q: What happens if a bucket has no value?
A: By default, buckets with no value are skipped. You can modify this behavior using the gap_policy parameter.

Q: Is it possible to weight the average calculation?
A: The Average Bucket Aggregation doesn't provide built-in weighting. For weighted averages, you might need to use script-based solutions or combine multiple aggregations.

Q: Can Average Bucket Aggregation be used in combination with filtering?
A: Yes, you can apply filters to the source aggregation to limit the buckets included in the average calculation.

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