Elasticsearch Average Aggregation - Syntax, Example, and Tips

The Average Aggregation is a single-value metrics aggregation that computes the average value of numeric fields from the documents in a bucket.


  "aggs": {
    "avg_price": {
      "avg": {
        "field": "price"

For more details, refer to the official Elasticsearch documentation.

Example Usage

Here's an example of using the Average Aggregation to calculate the average price of products:

GET /products/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "average_price": {
      "avg": {
        "field": "price"

This query will return the average price across all documents in the "products" index.

Common Issues

  1. Null Values: By default, documents without a value for the specified field are ignored. Use "missing" parameter to set a default value for such documents.
  2. Non-numeric Fields: Ensure the field you're aggregating on is of a numeric type.
  3. Script Usage: When using scripts, be cautious of performance implications for large datasets.

Best Practices

  1. Use the "missing" parameter to handle documents with null values if needed.
  2. Consider using the "script" parameter for more complex average calculations.
  3. For better performance on large datasets, use the "filter" aggregation to reduce the number of documents before calculating the average.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use Average Aggregation on nested fields?
A: Yes, you can use Average Aggregation on nested fields by combining it with a Nested Aggregation.

Q: How does Average Aggregation handle decimal precision?
A: Elasticsearch uses double-precision floating-point format for calculations. You can control the response format using the "format" parameter.

Q: Can I exclude certain documents from the average calculation?
A: Yes, you can use a Filter Aggregation or Query DSL to exclude specific documents before applying the Average Aggregation.

Q: Is it possible to get the average of multiple fields in one query?
A: Yes, you can use multiple Average Aggregations in a single query, each targeting a different field.

Q: How does Average Aggregation perform on large datasets?
A: Average Aggregation is generally efficient, but for very large datasets, consider using sampling techniques or date histogram aggregations to improve performance.

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