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Deploying on Nomad

Deploying Pulse Agent on a Nomad cluster is simple. Here is a sample job spec that will deploy just the Pulse Agent, however it would also be possible to place the task into the same job as your existing cluster job.

job "pulse_agent" {
datacenters = ["dc1"]
type = "service"
priority = 50

update {
canary = 1
auto_promote = true

group "main" {
network {
port "agent_healthz" {
to = 8080

task "agent" {
driver = "docker"
config {
image = ""
ports = ["agent_healthz"]

volumes = [

template {
destination = "secrets/config.yml"
data = <<-EOF
environmnet: default
pulseToken: PULSE_TOKEN

- type: kafka
bootstrap.servers: PLAINTEXT://hostname:9092
- type: elasticsearch
hosts: http://hostname:9200
username: pulse-monitoring-collector
password: pwd

resources {
cpu = 100
memory = 16384

service {
name = "pulse-agent"
port = "agent_healthz"
provider = "nomad"

check {
type = "http"
path = "/healthz"
interval = "30s"
timeout = "2s"

Assuming you use this job spec and save it as pulse_agent.nomad, then upload the job spec to your Nomad cluster:

nomad job run pulse_agent.nomad