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Configuring the Pulse Agent

The following are various additional configurations for the Pulse Agent.

Setting the Heap Size

For clusters with a high number of indices and shards, or when monitoring several clusters, running the agent may result in java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. To address that, set the environement variable PULSE_AGENT_HEAP_SIZE when running the agent.

The default value is 2G - you'll need to use a larger value, keeping in mind the amount of memory available on the machine hosting the agent. The following one-line docker for running the agent sets it to 8G:

docker run -e PULSE_AGENT_HEAP_SIZE=8G -v `pwd`/config.yml:/etc/pulse-agent/config.yml --restart=always

Controlling Parallelism

By default, the Pulse Agent will use a single thread for effeciency. It will automatically adjust as needed, but you can control the number of threads manually by setting the threads parameter:

threads: 2

Proxy Configurations

To let the agent use a proxy white sending the metrics to the Pulse platform, add the following settings to the configuration file:

proxyPort: 80

Of course, use the right proxy host and port.

The agent will default to the system proxy settings, if any.

To explicitly completely disable any proxy configurations, use:

proxyHost: disable

Prometheus Endpoint

The agent exposes a Prometheus endpoint for monitoring the Pulse Agent activity, it can be enabled by adding the below to the configurations file:

enabled: true
port: 9090